V.A.L.O.R. Clinic Foundation Mission
Veterans Assisted Living Out Reach
VALOR Clinic Foundation (VCF) provides assistance accessing benefits, and shelter to Veterans with limited or no access to care. Helps find shelter for Veterans who, due to health or means, are unable to find or keep shelter of their own, and Post Traumatic Stress resources to Veterans through our Veterans Unstoppable program.
To improve the lives of our nation's Veterans. We strive to provide nationwide integrated medical care in the future.
VALOR Clinic Foundation
Founder and CEO, SGM Mark D. Baylis.
Sergeant Major Baylis was born in Morristown, NJ on 13 April 1961 and served over 26 years on active duty. SGM Baylis entered the service on 22 February 1981 as an 11C (Indirect Fire Infantryman). After Basic Training and AIT, he served with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC and the 2d Bn 75th RGR as a mortar Squad Leader prior to coming to Special Forces.
SGM Baylis entered Special Forces in July of 1983 and completed the Special Forces Qualifications Course in August 84. His assignments have been with C co 1st Bn 5th SFG(A) on ODB 530 as the Weapons Sergeant and ODA 533 as the Junior Communications Sergeant from July 83-December 85; Receiver Section Chief and Platoon Sergeant in Signal Company 1st SFG(A) Fort Lewis Washington for 1986: as a Communication Sergeant in B Co 3d Bn 7th SFG(A) on ODAs 783 and 782(MFF) from January 1987 to January 1990 as an original member of Observer Controller Team One (MFF) in the Special Operations Division of the Joint Readiness Training Center from February 90 to June 93; as an Assistant Operations and Intelligence Sergeant and Team Sergeant on ODAs 131 and 114 on Torii Station Okinawa from June 93 to June 98; as First Sergeant for Communications Training at E Co 1st Bn 1stSWTG(A), Fort Bragg, NC; Battalion Operations Sergeant Major 3d Bn 5th SFG(A) June 01 to May 02; Team Sergeant for ODA 591 June 02 to June 03; Detachment Sergeant of the 5th SFG(A) Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course from July 03 to May 04; Bn Operations Sergeant major 2d Bn 5th SFG(A) May – July 04. His last assignment was serving as the Company Sergeant Major for A Co 2d Bn 7th SFG(A). He was medically retired for injuries received in combat in April of 2007.
Sergeant Major Baylis’s combat tours are with the 7th SFG (A) during Operation JUST CAUSE from December 89- January 90 and the 5th SFG(A) during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM from October 01 to February 02, IRAQI FREEDOM from January 03 to June 03 and IRAQI FREEDOM 2 from May 04 to July 04. SGM Baylis participated in Demining Operations in Cambodia, Counter Narcotic Operations in Columbia and Bolivia, a Contingency Operation in Cambodia and Thailand, and an in-extremis force deployment to India.
SGM Baylis holds an AAS from Vincennes University and a BS in history and business from The University of the State of New York. His military education includes Ranger School, PNCOC, ANCOC, 1SG Course, Battle Staff NCO Course, and the SGM course as part of the Noncommissioned Officers Education System, SFARTAETC, Basic and Advanced Airborne Courses, Basic and Advance Military Freefall Courses, Joint Intelligence Center Information Operations Course, Basic and Advanced Off-Road Vehicle Operators Courses, Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic Course, Special forces Operations and Intelligence Course, and Special Forces Heavy Weapons, Engineer, Communications Sergeant Courses, the Pathfinder Course (MTT in Thailand) and the Joint SOF Senior Enlisted Course.
His awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal, Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal, Combat Infantry Badge (1 star-3 awards) Expert Infantry Badge, Master Parachutist Badge, Master Military Freefall Parachutist Badge, Ranger and Special forces Tabs, Foreign awards include Thai and Singapore parachutist Badges.
He is the Founder and CEO of the VALOR Clinic Foundation.
- None of our executives are paid
- One paid employee is the house manager at our homeless Veteran sanctuary "Paul's House"
- Extremely low overhead expenses of approximately 7%
- Volunteer workforce
- Execute an innovative Collective Impact Agency model to deal with unique challenges faced by Veterans.
- 95% success rate breaking cycle of chronic homelessness among Veterans at Paul's House
- Zero suicides among Veterans Unstoppable program participants