Valor Blog

Pets for Vets! Dogs available now!

 Since Valor's inception in 2012 more than 50 dogs have been gifted to veterans. Now the hope for the  puppies is to provide love and support for those who fought for our country.

VALOR: What we've done in 2024

VALOR was founded in 2012 as a 501(c)3 by Mark Baylis in response to the chronic lack of resources and support available to Veterans returning from war, specifically with PTSD trauma. As a Veteran himself, he works tirelessly as a champion for other Veterans, seeing them as family members who deserve to be treated with the same dignity and respect in civilian life they received as soldiers.

VALOR's Origin Story

If you would have told me I would be running a Veterans charity when I left the service I would have laughed at you in 2006.

Drivers need for VALOR's Holiday Mealls Program!

VALOR needs volunteers to help deliver Easter meals to Veterans and their famlies.

Veterans & 1st Responders PTSD Support Group Monthly Meeting - VALOR Clinic Peer-2-Peer Support Group

These FREE meetings take place on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 P.M. 

Veterans Bill Increases Benefits Through Major Richard Star Act

The Major Richard Star Act significantly increases benefits for certain veterans. This act addresses a long-standing disparity in military retirees’ compensation. As a veteran, I understand the complexities of navigating veterans’ benefits. Many combat-injured veterans were denied full military retirement pay and VA disability compensation. The Major Richard Star Act aims to rectify this issue by increasing benefits for those who have served.

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