Federal Resume Lab: Free Coaching Session for Veterans and Spouses Writing a Federal Resume

Writing a federal resume sucks for veterans and spouses. Seriously. It is such a long, drawn-out, misunderstood, totally encoded process. We military folks ought to be issued lollipops, lemon drops and gumballs for every minute we stick with the federal resume writing process.

Because getting sticky with the process is exactly how to get your federal resume finished, submitted, and ready for an interview. Sticky persistence wins the day for federal resumes.

Anyone who has ever written a successful federal resume will tell you it is not all sweetness and light. In our master class, The Undeniable Federal Resume: How Veterans and Spouses Can Land the Federal Job Offer, I teach all the ins and outs of how to write a federal resume for transitioning military members, veterans and spouses. There is a lot of insider knowledge concealed in a federal job listing that everyone needs to know before they start writing. That is one thing.
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