Military landlords starting to install home EV charging stations

Thousands of military families living in privatized housing on military installations now have access to in-home charging stations for their electric vehicles, as at least four privatized housing landlords have begun rolling out programs.

Residents don’t pay for the installation of the Level 2 charging stations, which can be installed in garages and carports, where the programs are available. They do pay for the amount of time they use to charge their vehicles with these new charging stations. But otherwise, military families don’t pay for utilities currently in privatized housing, where they may have been plugging in their cars to wall outlets.

“Residents have requested Level 2 EV charging because it’s safer and faster than other charging alternatives,” said Justin Kern, executive general manager of Lendlease Communities, in a response to Military Times. “Level 2 charging can take as little as five to six hours to reach a full vehicle charge. In contrast, Level 1 charging (plugging an EV directly into a regular home electrical outlet) is potentially unsafe and can take 24 hours or longer to complete.”
Electric Vehicle by CHUTTERSNAP is licensed under Unsplash

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