Military veterans share experiences with Hall-Dale High students

Students from Hall-Dale High School engaged with and learned from the experiences of four distinguished military veterans on Dec. 15. This event provided a platform for high school students to gain firsthand insights into the challenges and triumphs of those who have served in the armed forces.

The event aimed to bridge the generational gap and foster a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and contributions made by veterans. Students heard personal narratives from four veterans, each representing different branches of the military and diverse backgrounds, according to a news release from Kelly Byron, education liaison.

The veterans included Richard H. LaBelle, World War II Navy; Richard Knight, Korean War U.S. Marine Corp lieutenant; Chris Merrill, command chief warrant officer, Maine Army National Guard; and James Prindle, corporal U.S. Marines, Desert Storm, and manager of Warrior PATHH (Progressive Alternative Training for Helping Heroes) with the Travis Mills Foundation.
Veteran by Ben Koorengevel is licensed under Unsplash

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