Few military units are as elite as the Navy's SEAL Team Six. They're the best of the best, it's said. They walk on air and snipe nickels from 1,000 yards. They emerge from the watery depths to garrote minotaurs and karate chop the wings off hummingbirds. They also shot Osama bin Laden dead in 2011 and had a movie made about the operation in 2013's "Zero Dark Thirty." The flick saw Chris Pratt transform from Andy Dwyer in "Parks and Recreation" to Starlord from "Guardians of the Galaxy." Are we missing anything? Lots of rules, some of which are obvious and some of which are completely not.
Much of what's known about the unit won't surprise anyone. First off: SEAL Team Six, aka the Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU), isn't exactly easy to get into. As The National Interest explains, you've got to be an active-duty NAVY Seal, have five years of experience, have served two deployments, and be male. Then there's three phases of Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (BUD/S) that weed out 75% of candidates, then Hell Week, then SEAL Qualification Training (SQT), which involves loads of swimming and running.