Veterans in Congress Press for Bowe Bergdahl to Be Retried After Sentenced Was Dismissed

Five military veterans in Congress have written Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Attorney General Merrick Garland asking they review options for retrying former Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl after his verdict was vacated last week by a civilian court.

Reps. Mike Waltz, R-Fla.; Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas; Jake Ellzey, R-Texas; Ryan Zinke, R-Mont.; and Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., demanded an immediate review of the case, saying the nullification of the sentence "dishonors those who served and died alongside Bergdahl."

"Bergdahl's actions endangered and potentially got his comrades killed," they wrote. "By omission, condoning such behavior puts the lives of future American soldiers in peril."

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