
Edge-of-your-seat movies troops should watch for in 2024

These nine thrilling films are at the top of our 2024 must-see list.

Silver Star Awarded to Army Ranger Who Came to Aid of Fellow Troops During Battle of Mogadishu

More than three decades after his actions during the infamous Battle of Mogadishu, retired Army Maj. Larry Moores has been awarded the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest award for acts of valor.

Air Force fuel barge is first to use new Baltimore bridge site channel

The barge supplying jet fuel to the Department of Defense left late Monday and was destined for Delaware’s Dover Air Force Base.

On the Ice with Marines Preparing for War in the Arctic

We spent time with the Marines miles above the Arctic Circle in Norway as part of the largest NATO exercise in the region since 1988.

Troops at 14 bases to begin testing new approach to military moves

Troops at 14 installations will soon try out a new system for shipping their belongings to their next base.

Lou Conter, Last Survivor of USS Arizona from Pearl Harbor Attack, Dies at 102

Lou Conter was one of 335 sailors and Marines to survive the attack, and was the last living survivor. Some 2,341 service members died on Dec. 7, 1941.

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