
Thank you to the team at Wilson Slate Roof

We want to thank our talented friend Ron Kieper who came to the rescue in fixing some fireplace and wood stove issues at our retreat facility.

250,000 VA Patients Are at Risk of Receiving Wrong Medication Due to Electronic Health Records Issue

A VA official testifying at a hearing stressed that the department has not found any instances of patients being harmed by drug interactions specifically caused by the data issues.

World War I exhibit explores war’s impact on children

The “Greatest Generation” is renowned for military heroism during World War II. But before this famed demographic signed up to fight for Uncle Sam, many were shaped by a childhood spent amid World War I.

Chuck Mawhinney, the Deadliest Sniper in Marine Corps History, Dies at 75

Chuck Mawhinney's record was an incredible achievement given the fact that he nearly didn't join the Marine Corps in the first place.

Marine task force expands recon role in European operations

The task force coordinates Marine units in Europe and Africa. It's next rotation is scheduled for May.

Meet the hand of “Israel”

Meet the hand of “Israel” I met Israel at the STAND DOWN LEHIGH VALLEY. He is a former U.S Marine and the day I spent with him, he didn’t really want to tell me about his service - he wanted to tell me about the love of his life.

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