
Valor Clinic Foundation's Service Projects

Service projects are an important part of our preparations to help Veterans. We are currently looking for people and groups to perform service projects on our water systems on The Veterans Sanctuary on Meckes Lane in Lake Harmony, PA in March, April and May.

Meet the American who taught the Tuskegee Airmen to fly: Pioneer pilot Charles 'Chief' Anderson

Meet Charles A. "Chief" Anderson, lead instructor at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama in World War II. This American gave the famous Tuskegee Airmen their first taste of flight.

World War II veteran turns 105 in Palm Bay

A World War II veteran’s 105th birthday was celebrated Thursday at a hospice house in Palm Bay. Retired U.S. Army Col. Donald Paul served in the military for 30 years, seeing action in the second World War, including the seizure and defense of the Moselle River Bridgehead at Thionville, France, and the capture of Metz near the German border, according to his boarders at Health First.

What's the One Military Book Every Service Member Should Read?

There's no shortage of reading suggestions when it comes to military service. Every branch maintains a list of titles with the intent to guide service members' professional development and understanding of cultural and historical forces that impact today's geopolitical landscape.

Helping Homeless Veterans

Donations support thousands of not only homeless veterans, but others in need. We are seeing an increase in the number of people coming out to get basic needs during our stand downs events.

Local Warrior Narratives podcast tells the stories of military veterans

Warrior Narratives Podcast, a podcast created by KSJD’s Erik Quiroz, aims to tell the stories of veterans who live in the region. This “facilitated storytelling podcast,” according to Army veteran Quiroz, was created to help record veterans’ stories and give them a “safe place” to talk about their time in the service.

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