
Scholar serves community in health care & military

Leksie Boese, who lives in Bismarck, North Dakota, earns $5,000 veteran scholarship from Sanford Health to use at college.

Military veterans share experiences with Hall-Dale High students

Students from Hall-Dale High School engaged with and learned from the experiences of four distinguished military veterans on Dec. 15. This event provided a platform for high school students to gain firsthand insights into the challenges and triumphs of those who have served in the armed forces.

Moving from the military to Main Street challenges a younger generation of veteran entrepreneurs

As a graying workforce of veterans who own small businesses in America retires, fewer younger veterans are stepping up to replace them, according to the Small Business Administration.

Lehigh Valley Stand Down sees increase in those in need

On November 25th, 2023, we thanked all the volunteers who braved the cold at our Stand Down in the Lehigh Valley. We continued to see new faces and an increasing number of those in need. Volunteers served up 80 hot turkey dinners to people in the streets.

Veterans Unstoppable

Two phase holistic approach to facilitating a healthy war to peace readjustment for Veterans struggling with the service to civilian transition. Phase 1 involves Veteran support group participation moderated by peers who guide discussion and discovery.

Tunnel to Towers Expands Mission To Leave No Veteran Behind

Two Augusts ago, I joined Frank Siller a few miles from his quest to reach this Somerset County borough as part of his 537-mile tribute walk to all those lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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