
Veterans advocate claims "smoking gun" records prove toxic exposure at military base

Nearly two decades after U.S. troops left K2, the U.S. government has not confirmed that toxic material at the Uzbekistan base made service members sick.

K-9 River given to veteran at Chargers game

The culmination of compassion, charity, and patience was displayed at a Chargers game when service dog River was given to a military veteran.

200 remote jobs from Veteran-friendly employers

Check out this listing of 200 remote jobs from Veteran-friendly employers. Remote work offers Veterans and family members job flexibility.

Combating Veteran Suicide can start with Mentorship

Every day, nearly 18 veterans take their own lives. It’s a jarring statistic and a conservative estimate that demands unrelenting action until veteran suicide is eradicated.

Another Veteran's family points a finger at the Chico Veteran Affairs Clinic

The sister of a former Chico Veteran Affairs patient speaks out following an investigation by the Office of Inspector General.

Shock, grief and mourning for 3 soldiers killed in Jordan drone strike

The three citizen-soldiers from different corners of Georgia all died in a drone strike on a U.S. base in Jordan near the Syrian border.

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