The United Service Organizations (USO) on Tuesday honored the memory of country music icon Toby Keith.
Too often, the price veterans pay for defending our nation are invisible wounds that fester in their hearts, minds and souls: PTSD, anxiety and depression.
Like nearly 40 million other Americans and 1.3 million of his fellow veterans, Rufus Brown experienced hearing loss, yet he had no idea he was afflicted despite its profound impact.
The Advance Auto Parts Foundation (AAPF) donated $1.75 million to several nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting veterans across the United States. This funding, contributed by more than 100 supplier partners of Advance Auto Parts, will aid in employment support for female veterans, provide custom homes for injured veterans and offer frontline support to veterans at risk for suicide.
In preparation for his service, the funeral home couldn’t track down any living friends or family. So, a local legion post and VFW took over, to make sure Robert wasn’t buried alone.
Military spouse Michelle Lang found Veteran Help Point to connect veterans and their spouses to local the local resources and help they need.