Junior enlisted would see only a small pay boost under Senate plan

Senate lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled plans for a small pay boost for junior enlisted troops next year, staking out a middle ground between House plans for a sizable salary hike for young servicemembers and White House opposition to any targeted military pay increase.

As part of an initial draft of the Senate Armed Services Committee annual defense authorization bill, panel members announced plans for a 4.5% pay raise for all servicemembers in 2025 (in line with White House plans) and an extra 1% boost for troops ranked E-3 and below.

The extra money is designed to recognize the financial strain facing some young military families and the low base pay junior troops receive. Currently, some young enlisted service members can make as little as $24,000 in basic pay, although that total does not include other compensation such as housing allowances and free health care.
100 US dollar banknote by Jp Valery is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com

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