Local Warrior Narratives podcast tells the stories of military veterans

Warrior Narratives Podcast, a podcast created by KSJD’s Erik Quiroz, aims to tell the stories of veterans who live in the region.

This “facilitated storytelling podcast,” according to Army veteran Quiroz, was created to help record veterans’ stories and give them a “safe place” to talk about their time in the service.

Quiroz is the producer and host of the podcast. The podcast is partially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

“It’s designed as kind of a mechanism for veterans to have their narratives recorded,” Quiroz told The Journal.

Quiroz hopes to have the podcast enshrined in the National Archives, and he said he has been working on creating contacts there to make it happen.

“It’s a safe place for veterans to talk about their service,” Quiroz said. “It’s not just about their time in the service, but also a personal narrative. They can talk about the whole story arc of their individual selves prior to the military.”
Podcast by Austin Distel is licensed under Unsplash unsplash.com

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