VALOR Clinic Foundation Celebrates its 12th anniversary

We celebrate our 12th anniversary of Valor Clinic Foundation. The application which was dated stamped received by PA on the 13th of January and later became our official IRS effective date as a 501 C 3. What a journey it has been. Through ups and downs, the team has continued to perform amazingly.

The team’s reach has grown from about 50 Veterans in Monroe County PA in 2012 to 3,443 Veterans in/from 10 states in 2023.

The initial way we helped Veterans was simply benefits claims filing with the VA. We now have four formal programs and facilities in four locations including homeless shelters, counseling centers and a food pantry.Additionally, there is a small fleet of vehicles bringing services directly to the Veterans an assortment of ways. I can't be prouder of the team who made it all happen.

To everyone who has enabled our efforts with their time, talent, or treasurer I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Nothing would have happened without you. Thank you, the Vets salute you!!
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