Paul's House Application
The Major Paul Syverson Veterans Sanctuary (Paul’s House) is in the historic Hotel Jonas in Polk Township. Paul’s House accommodates up to 13 Veterans a day. We serve 3 healthy meals a day that are specifically designed to help with health challenges faced by homeless veterans.
The emotional scars of war disrupt the road home for some Veterans. Veteran life crisis statistics are staggering. VALOR helps Veterans navigate the road to readjustment by establishing common ground. All of our program participants served their nation so inherently they understand commitment, rules, purpose, and structure. They begin their readjustment with a commitment not only to us but also to themselves. They know they must work for a better life and they can accomplish this by following VALOR’s proven program guidelines. Veterans must proactively address all facets of their own recovery blueprint. VALOR provides the mechanisms via our Veteran Outreach and Recovery. Veterans have structure, schedules, and assigned responsibilities. The weekly peer-to-peer support sessions and life skill classes pave the road to a brighter future through our Veterans Unstoppable program.
If you are or a Veteran you know would benefit by staying at Paul's House, fill out our Paul's House Application
Paul House requires a large number of volunteers to perform a wide variety of tasks.
We need Cooks, Administrative support, maintenance, people answering phones, sorting and receiving food, clothing donations, preparing for stand-downs, delivering furniture, and taking homeless Veterans to appointments/work.
To get involved in this critical aspect of Veterans assistance please contact us at (570) 664-6468 or Or fill out our Volunteer Application